Share and owner information

Abliva AB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and trades under the ticker ABLI.

The share capital is SEK 80,594,226.80 divided between 1,611,884,536 shares of only one class. All shares have a quotient value of SEK 0.05 and confer entitlement to one vote and equal participation in the company’s assets and earnings.

  • Insider trading (Finansinspektionen/The Swedish Securities and Exchange Commission)

Major shareholders as per December 31, 2024

NameNo of shares (pcs.)Votes and capital (%)
Hadean Ventures410,557,34625.47
Oslo Pensjonsforsikring AS*239,374,99914.85 
IP Group Plc153,153,412 9.50 
MP Pensjon PK*80,281,4074.98 
Avanza Pension55,363,7023.43
Kistefos AS28,571,4281.77
Nordnet Pension insurance18,584,0641.15
Handelsbanken Fonder8,000,0000.50
Stefan Bozzao7,563,4270.47
Skandia Fonder6,911,1170.43
Other owners (approx. 13,000 shareholders)603,523,63437.44 
In total1,611,884,536100

Source: Monitor by Modular Finance.

*Capital insurance 


All the company’s shares are entitled to dividends. Investors that are registered as shareholders of the company on the record date for dividends are entitled to dividends. There are no restrictions to dividends or special procedures for shareholders domiciled outside Sweden, and the payment of these dividends is via Euroclear Sweden AB in the same manager manner as for shareholders domiciled in Sweden. Dividend receivables are limited to ten years. This dividend becomes due to the company after that time.

All shares confer equal entitlement to dividends, and to potential surpluses on liquidation. Each share of the company carries one vote at shareholders’ meetings, and each party entitled to vote may do so for the full number of shares held without limitation. All shares confer shareholders with the same preferential rights on the issue of warrants and convertible instruments for the number of shares they hold.

Pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act, a shareholder that directly or indirectly holds more than 90% of the share capital of the company is entitled to redeem the remaining shares from other shareholders of the company. Correspondingly, a shareholder who shares are subject to redemption is entitled to such redemption from the majority shareholder.

Apart from entitlement to share dividends, there is no other entitlement to participate in the company’s earnings. Until now, the company has not paid any dividends. Nor can there be any guarantee that a dividend from the company will be proposed or resolved in any particular year.